Saturday, March 22, 2008

If I had a twin, It'll be like this...

Two guys are sitting at either end of Zouk's bar late one night when one of them looks up and says to the other,"How's it going'?You from around here?"

The other guy says," Klang."

"Wow, me too! Where did you go to school?"

"Klang High School."

"Hey, so did I!"

"What year did you leave school?"


"We're the same age!"

"What street do you live on?"

"Jalan Pending 7"

"What a co-incidence!!"

"What did your old man do for a living?"

"He's a retired electrician."

"Unreal! Mine too!"

Just then, a waiter comes in and asks to the bartender, "What's going on?"

The bartender replies, " Not much... but the Ravin twins are drunk again!"

A "Karipap" head & a Spike head

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